Gaming Events -The Famous Las Vegas Sign!

Gaming Events  is sharing the rich history of the  Welcome to Las Vegas sign!

The Welcome to Fabulous Las Vegas” neon sign on the southern tip of the Las Vegas Strip, is the most famous sign of its kind. The sign is 25-foot-high (7.62 m).The Las Vegas sign is a symbol of this fantastic holiday destination!

In 1952, a local ,Ted Rogich, came up with the idea and pointed out that Las Vegas had signs advertising everything but itself.

He approached a pioneer artist, Betty Willis (Born May 20, 1923 – April 19, 2015) and asked her to design the sign. She was extremely exited about the project! Their idea was to design a sign that had to reflect a flashy neon age. Betty agreed with Ted, and undertook on developing a sign that was unique in shape, style and content.

In 1959, when the sign was completed, Betty and Ted sold it for $4,000 to Clark County officials. The officials placed the  Las Vegas sign on an island on the southern tip of the Strip, where it remains to this day.

In hopes that the design would be used freely, Willis never copyrighted her sign’s design. Today various souvenirs are just some of the many items that bear the likeness of Willis’ Las Vegas design. Betty continued to design signs until the age of 77 when she retired.She continued designing signs until she retired at the age of 77. She died at the age of 91 at her home in Overton in 2015.

The Las Vegas sign has now become a destination in its own right and is seen as an iconic symbol of Las Vegas!

Gaming Events is now also giving you the opportunity to have a Las Vegas sign at your party!
Ask us about our Welcome to Las Vegas sign!

Welcome to Las Vegas
Gaming Events,Fun Casino